Tuesday, August 16, 2016

see ya soon

It's been a little quiet around here lately! I'll keep it short and sweet and just update you guys on what's been happening behind the scenes.

Honestly, I just don't have the time nor passion for blogging as I used to anymore. I can't get myself to visit my favorite blogs, or leave comments to my readers, and it's not anything that's been getting me down. On the contrary, I've been happily busy with work and school starting, and there are so many new experiences I've had in the real world!

But, I do still enjoy writing and interacting with everyone, it would be such a shame to just disappear and lose all that. So I'm currently in the process of figuring out some way to continue blogging, but not have it take up so much time or energy.

The problem there is obviously that I still need to create quality content that's engaging and insightful, not just lists about what I've been doing, or simple outfit photos.

If you have any tips or ideas, feel free to comment! I hope everyone in the community has been well - maybe you've found a great pink wall or a new restaurant with perfect decor (;

See you in a bit!


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