Tuesday, September 29, 2015

what it's like to be an introvert

I've always loved reading my horoscope and taking personality tests, something about seeing my qualities and possible future listed out on paper just seems so interesting to me. With the dozens of personality tests I've taken, I almost always get "Introvert" (possibly just because they never seem to have Ambivert as an option), which seems to have a bit of a negative connotation. But here's what it really means.

It seems that being classified as an introvert isn't a good thing in today's society. We're associated with being antisocial, unable to make friends, or loners. Being able to work well in groups is basically a requirement for doing well in school. But like most stereotypes, there are a few things that should be cleared up.

What being an introvert really means
The definition of being an introvert is something along the lines of enjoying time alone, and feeling tired after being around people too long. Nowhere does it state that introverts have to be quiet, bookish, timid, hesitant, or any other things commonly associated with this trait. 

For me, being an introvert means that I'm perfectly happy staying home alone with a good book, and after a while, I get tired of being "on" around people. Talking to strangers and making conversation is something I can do, and have gotten pretty good at, but I will reach a point where I don't want to talk anymore, simply because it's tiring for me to think of the "right" thing to say

Working in groups can be difficult for me, as I often censor what I say to follow the general consensus. Other times, I end up taking a leadership role, because I'm a perfectionist, and always feel like I can do things the best and quickest way. I wish education placed more importance on individual learning, as it's just as important to be able to think and problem solve with no one to bounce ideas off of. 

Introvert or Extrovert? Maybe Ambivert!
Personally, I'm not very comfortable being the center of attention, because I never know how to act. Do I act humble, or is that stuck up to try and down play things (does that even make sense)? Do I smile and enjoy it, or is that arrogant? There are just too many things to think about, and I would rather be in the background.

That's probably an odd thing, given my hair color, and how it stands out. I think it's me wanting to stand out a little, to show people that I'm not that nerdy Asian girl.

Recently, I've been thinking that maybe I'm an ambivert - neither introvert, nor extrovert. I've mentioned that people think I'm quiet to my friends, and they all laugh and say that's not true. But people I don't know well have actually said, "So that's what your voice sounds like", when I talk to them.
Wearing: Glamorous red sweater (similar), American Eagle boy jean (similar), Paprika cat flats (similar).

(A digression) The brightest thing I've ever worn...
Is definitely this sweater! Being an introvert (ish), and not wanting to draw too much attention to myself (usually), I tend to favor neutrals and dark colors. But this sweater was on sale at Urban Outfitters, and I can't resist soft, chunky sweaters.

A funny story about the day we shot this - the week before it was in the high 90s, and disgustingly hot. Come the weekend, it goes down to 70 and it's cloudy, so the first thing I do is go outside and shoot some photos! Definitely the opposite of most people.

I'm also hoping the bright red makes Christmas come sooner!

What to know if you're an extrovert, friends with an introvert
We are the most amazing listeners ever. We (probably) won't interrupt you, even if your rants go on for ages, because we'll be thinking for the perfect thing to say. We'd appreciate if you could do the same for us, though it's understandable that you may want to speak your mind at that moment.

Sometimes we might get a little tired of talking, and silences are almost always comfortable with us. We like long, deep conversations, and look for friends to truly bond with. Once you've passed a certain year with us, we'll likely be lifelong friends (wow, aren't you lucky!!!!).

On the cons side, we may not tell you immediately if something is bugging us, and you might have to fish it out, or interpret body language. This is definitely something I've been working on, though confrontations can be hard!

-end pseudo horoscope like section (did I make you want to gag?).

Some life updates (to conclude this wordy post)
School is definitely in full swing for me now! My favorite class is probably Art History, I feel more educated and high brow just being in that class.

There are several artist types in my class as well, they sit and sketch in class with their leather notebooks, and come to school with impeccable lipstick everyday. Can I just say, goals. 

Do you know if you're an introvert, ambivert, or extrovert? What Myer-Briggs model do you fall into (if you don't know, there is an amazing, free site here)? What do you struggle with in daily interactions?




Thursday, September 24, 2015

how to make "me time" when you don't even have free time

Struggling to make time for yourself with a busy schedule? Here are some tips and ideas to get you started on your road to relaxation! via Angelina Is

Look at that rhyme! I always seem to brainstorm best late at night, when I really should be sleeping. I was in that state of half awake, half asleep, and I just jolted awake, delighted with myself that I had come up with such a hilarious title. So I had to use it obviously.

We all lead busy lives, and often, we don't have time to do the things that we genuinely like, due to school, work, and other commitments. Over time, life can begin to seem like one long challenge, in which there is no reward. But it shouldn't be that way! As someone who wishes there were more hours in the day, here are some tips and ideas to make the best of them, and have time for what you want to do.

Multitasking is one of the many ways to create me time in your busy schedule. What are the other ways? Head to Angelina Is to find out!

To be clear, this is not multitasking while doing work. This is pairing something mindless with something that involves more thought, effectively killing two birds with one stone.

For me, I like to go through photos while listening to Ted talks. I used to listen to music on the radio, but found those tended to get stuck in my head often, preventing me from falling asleep at night. Ted talks are thought provoking, and I can still "turn them off" when needed.

I also walk my dog while listening to music. You could easily replace music with a podcast, book, or even lectures if you're studying for tests. I personally don't, because I use dog walking as a time to clear my mind and take a break from school work.

Setting a limit is vital to create time for yourself. Check out the other ways on Angelina Is!

Set a limit (and follow it)
Almost everyday, I'm done with work at least an hour before I go to bed. I use the remaining hour to do things I like, such as maintaining the blog, talking with my family, and watching TV. We like to religiously watch The Big Bang Theory - past addictions have been Burn Notice and White Collar.

Even if I haven't finished all my work, or perfected all the details, I stop working at a certain time. It can be hard at first, but it really pays off for your sanity to be able to say, "I worked until this time. I deserve my guilt free night now."

Organize your time efficiently
Similar to multitasking, organizing your time well will ensure being able to devote quality hours for you time! With the majority of my work being done online/needing technology, it's sometimes hard to stay off Facebook or Instagram. In the end though, I find my concentration is the best when I'm completely focused on one thing.

A method of studying I like to use during finals is the (25/5)x2, 15 (edit: it's called the Pomodoro Technique). I simply study/work for 25 solid minutes, taking a 5 minute break at the end. After 2 of these chunks, I take a longer 15 minute break. It makes concentration so much easier, and you feel completely in control of your schedule.

Simple things you can do for yourself
A few easy and quick things I like to do for myself are:
  • Short exercise videos that really pack a punch. These are best (for me) right before bed, or when I need a break from work. 
  • Pour yourself a hot cup of coffee or tea before you get down to work. I go through so many containers of Trader Joe's Spicy Chai mix!
  • Make your bed and clean your room. It'll do wonders for clearing your mind, and helping you think!
  • Hit up your friends or family and see if they can video chat or talk on the phone. It's much better and quicker than texting, and I think it's something we should do more of. Also, just a crazy idea, how amazing would it be if we could all get on a video platform sometime and chat with each other?
  • Late night sweets/snacks run. There is nothing more satisfying than going out after a long day and buying some junk food to share with your friends eat all by yourself. 
  • Journal about your day or thoughts. This has been a habit of mine for many years, and it's very therapeutic. I feel like once I write down a thought or emotion, I can stop holding onto it, and don't need to think about it anymore. 
A bit about my week:: I recently got over a cold and fever. There was something going around at school, and it wasn't severe enough to warrant staying home. I started with a sore throat on Wednesday, which progressed to a pounding headache. All of Saturday was spent moping around, but on Sunday, I woke up feeling so refreshed and happy
I actually don't have too many quizzes or exams this week, and it's nice. I ordered a few things online, and have been anxiously awaiting their arrival. Time seems to pass slowly when you're waiting for things!
Also, yesterday was the first day of autumn, and I'm hoping we'll be able to start wearing actual fall clothes soon! Unlikely, given our odd swings back and forth in temperature. Still have to shave for a few more weeks..
Finally, I started a blog Instagram! I won't be posting too often (unless I get carried away and you guys have the responsibility of telling me my life can't possibly be that interesting and to stop posting everything. I mean it. Do it!), but you'll get to see some exclusive content that won't be on the blog. 

What are some things you guys do to unwind? What are your tips for making me time? How has your week been?




p.s. I hit 100 Bloglovin' followers! Thanks guys <3

Friday, September 18, 2015

a little bit of self love

The Bay Area has been having one of those mood swings, weather wise. It can't make up its mind whether it's summer or fall, and as a result, it's sweater weather one day, and the devil's armpit the other

I've been caught between two feelings lately as well - sometimes I love my body, and other days I don't. 

I feel like body image is such a relevant thing that most women (and men) experience at some point. We are just bombarded with images and ideas of what the ideals of our time are, and it has been in the media for quite some time now.

For me, I've always accepted and known that celebrities or models are airbrushed and have a giant makeup team as well. I know that they're not "real". Of course, I still wish I had Emma Stone's amazing green eyes, or Alexa Chung's messy chic hair, but for the most part, I've accepted they're pretty unattainable for the average person's budget.

What's really difficult for me, is that many people I know in real life (who definitely do not have makeup teams or limitless budgets) have the body shape that I'd love to have. It just seems like they can wear whatever they'd like, and not have to worry their "flaws". I would spend so long in the mirror every morning, looking from every angle if this outfit made me look fat, and how I could make myself look skinnier. I remember I would sometimes run out of time to eat breakfast, because of how long picking an outfit took.

On the flip side, sometimes I'll just be so happy with how I look and I'll fall in love with how my hips are wide and my thighs are full, how I can get away with not wearing a bra because I have basically no boobs, how tight and firm my waist is (thanks Netflix workouts!).

Wearing: BDG grey tank (similar), Kimchi Blue turquoise bralette, Bullhead boyfriend jeans (similar), BP. white cardigan (similar), Converse.

If you're struggling to love your body, here are a few things that really helped me.

Accepting that the way you look is mostly out of your control
This was pretty important for me, as I always thought if I maybe exercised more, or ate less, I could get the body I wanted. Aside from the fact that not eating as much as you should is torturous and unhealthy, dieting is very hard and doesn't actually keep the weight off, as your body goes into a "starvation mode" and hangs onto every last calorie.

Of course, this doesn't mean don't exercise or eat healthy! Finding your personal balance is a difficult thing, and I'm still in the process of figuring out what works for me, as I don't have the patience to make traditionally healthy food, nor do I really like going to the gym.

Surrounding yourself with positive people
Most people have at least one friend who isn't happy with his or her body, and makes it very clear to everyone in the nearby vicinity. It can get really tiring to be around those types of people, especially because you may feel the obligation to tell them how wrong they are each time they complain about themselves. I'm always caught between wanting to be a good friend, and being slightly unsure if they're truly down about themselves, or just hoping for compliments.

In any case, it does nothing for building up my self esteem. When I'm around people that don't talk about their bodies negatively, or at all, we're much more at ease and happier as well, I've found. I don't completely cut those friends off, I just find myself changing the topic when it turns to lamenting the body they wish they had.

Find what you love about yourself
There is bound to be at least one thing you love about yourself, so focus on that when you're feeling down about other things! For me, it's my lips and my collarbones - I like wearing barely there lipstick, and boatneck tops. I've recently started appreciating my smaller chest - so I can't really dance in a strapless dress, but I can wear pretty bralettes and sleep on my stomach!

bralette, cardigan - bp, tank - bdg, jeans - pacsun, belt - a&f

All in all, I think being okay with who you are is on going process, and there'll be good days and bad days. Here's your cliché of the day - just enjoy the journey. Body image is a huge thing, and I didn't feel that the photos were right for a deeper, "throwing my thoughts out there" type of post, but maybe in the future!

On a side note, I feel as though my content has been a little lacking at the moment, and I apologize for that (especially as I just wrote my "relaunch" post)! I'm sure you've already heard my excuses, but school truly is a huge chunk of time. Counting down the days until Thanksgiving break!

What are your tips for dealing with body image? Do you struggle with it, or did you in the past? What's your favorite thing about yourself?




P.S. I now have an Instagram! Check it out here or below (:

Sunday, September 13, 2015

everything you need to know about fashion week

With New York Fashion Week about halfway done, I thought I would share some interesting facts about designers, shows, and Fashion Month in general that I've picked up with my frantic Googling and YouTubing.
everything you need to know about fashion week
The Basics
  • Fashion Month occurs 2 times a year, in Feb/Mar, and Sept/Oct. 
  • There are 4 major fashion weeks, New York (Sept 9-17), London (Sept 18-22), Milan (Sept 23-28), and Paris (Sept 29 - Oct 7). These make up Fashion Month.  
  • A fashion "week" can range from 5-10 days, including weekends.
  • The clothes shown are 6 months ahead, meaning this fashion week is for SS16 - Spring/Summer 2016. 
  • Shows are typically 10-20 minutes long.
  • Sitting in the front row means a lot
  • Most shows are by invitation only, though this year Givenchy held a raffle and made theirs open to the public. 
  • Street style photos are everywhere! Literally, everywhere. 
  • 30-40 models will walk one at a time, and at the end, will "parade" one after the other. If you're short on time, watch the last 2 minutes. 
  • The designer will come out and thank the crowd at the end. The style varies, some walk alone, some with muses. Betsey Johnson is known for doing cartwheels!
NYFW is the week I know the most about, so I thought I'd share some facts specific to it:

New York Fashion Week
  • $865 million was generated from NYFW this year, which is more than last year's Super Bowl, and US Open!
  • More than 200,000 people work in the fashion industry, representing 6% of workers in NY. 
  • NYFW was first started by Eleanor Lambert in 1942, though it was called Fashion Press Week then. Paris was the only place for haute couture, and American designers weren't given as much press as their French counterparts, so Press Week was a way to take change the dynamics. 
  • The white tents have moved several times - Bryant Park, Lincoln Center, and finally, Skylight at Moynihan Station in Midtown and Skylight Clarkson Square in SoHo. 
by Garance Doré

Notable Shows and News
  • Pretty much every Chanel show has been amazing. I especially loved their grocery store (FW14), and feminist protest (SS15). 
  • Thom Browne had an amazing garden party runway show (SS15), with models on stilts!
  • Louis Vuitton created an amazing merry go round show (SS12), that Chanel later used as well, though theirs was more of a glam feel. LV's show fit in perfectly with their ads during that time, which I literally spent ages trying to find!  
  • Kanye West is coming back for a second year at NYFW. Admittedly, I'm wasn't a huge fan of his collection last year, and I'm not sure I really like the idea of him taking up a slot that could be used by serious designers. I'm also a little eh about Kendall modeling, as it's a very competitive field, and I don't think she truly has the looks to be a model. 
  • American Horror Story actress Jamie Brewer becomes the first model with Down Syndrome to walk in Carrie Hammer's SS15 show. I really loved that show, as Hammer didn't use "traditional" models for her collection, instead focusing on real women. 

Shows To Watch This Year
Check here for NYFW replays!

All dates and times are in their local format, and livestream links will be added if I can find them!

I hope this was helpful to anyone wishing they knew more about Fashion Month, or at least interesting to everyone else!

Do you follow fashion month? Who are your favorite designers? What's something surprising about NYFW?




Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Now that I've gotten your attention, I have to say, I've lied - I didn't go to Taylor Swift's house, but I did visit Greystone Mansion, so basically the same thing! I also went to a few places in Hollywood - Commissary at The Line Hotel, Griffith Park, LACMA, and Melrose Ave.

Greystone was such an amazing place to visit.

When I checked the hours online, it said they opened at 8, so we got there then, and realized they weren't technically open until 10! Fortunately, there are no gates to the grounds or anything, so we were able to wander around, and there weren't too many people aside from a summer camp that was just beginning to assemble.

The whole area gave off a Blank Space vibe, and I feel like it could have been the set from the music video! If Taylor Swift didn't have her New York apartment (and if Greystone were for sale), I'm 99% sure she would live here.

Since we were going to be surrounded by a lot of green, I decided to go with a simple white Alexander Wang tee, my (only) jeans, and t-strap sandals I wear in virtually every outfit. This time I'm glad I didn't wear grey!

It drives me nuts when shirts are see through, but only slightly, so when you first try them on, you think it's okay to only wear a bra, but once you're at home and in different lighting, they're a little too see through to wear to work or comfortably to school.

I'm forever on the search for a nice quality (and reasonably priced) white shirt that doesn't have to be worn with a bandeau or tank top. Though this one is super soft and comfy, it doesn't fulfill the latter requirement.

If you guys have any brands/shirts that work well sans more layers, please let me know in the comments!

Greystone has quite a comprehensive list of "don'ts" - they include: no dogs, no picnics, no sports, no personal training (???), no having fun (jk), and no photography/filming unless you have a permit. I looked it up, and a permit is somewhere around the lines of $300/hr for personal use. For commercial use, it's even more!

So, uh, these photos...

(update: I checked on Yelp, and photos are okay if they are unprofessional! Plus Chiara Ferragni did a blog post there, and I don't think she paid $300 for 5 photos)

I've also been playing around with presets in Lightroom! It took me forever to figure out why certain people could get such amazing colors with their cameras, and why my colors always looked flat and dull.

I've been looking around a lot for free ones (mainly for portraits), so if you know of any, please link to them in the comments! <3

Time spent here: ~2 hrs, you could spend more just sitting in the gardens.
Things to note: You can't go into the mansion unless you arrange a tour (not completely sure how to do that). You can peek in the windows though, which we would have done, had we been able to figure out how to get from the gardens to the mansion - it's on a hill above. Also, Beverly Hills has city wide free wifi!
Cost: Free.

For lunch, we went Commissary at The Line Hotel. It's located in Koreatown, and has pretty good Asian fusion food! I'll admit, I mainly wanted to visit because of an amazing Instagram photo I saw on @discoverla, but it was worth it. 

I just had avocado salmon toast, since we weren't very hungry. Their aesthetic is something along the lines of "quirky and mismatched, while still somewhat upscale". The quirky would be their mismatched dining ware (the dishes, glasses, and napkins were all different), the upscale would be their prices. 

Time spent here: It depends on how fast you eat! The service wasn't particularly fast, nor slow. 
Things to note: They have a pool right outside, and I think you'd probably be able to slip in even if you don't stay at the hotel if you act nonchalant. I love the hotel vibe, and the prices aren't too bad. Their lobby also plays really nice music (think Flume and Lorde remixes), and the people watching is great - everyone is so stylish!
Cost: Somewhere between $$ and $$$. I think the toast was around $20, and it wasn't too big. 

We went back to the Line Hotel a few days later, and tried the other restaurant downstairs - Pot. I would not recommend it. It was more expensive (though to be fair we went for dinner instead of lunch), and the food was eh. We ordered a pot of kimchi, given the name of the restaurant we thought it would be good, but it was basically $50 worth of kimchi floating around in watered down soup

After heading back to our Airbnb room for a bit to relax (LA was hot!), we headed out again to Griffith Observatory for sunset. We obviously weren't the only people with this idea, and it was crowded both for parking and while there. 

It was definitely worth it though! The sunset was spectacular, and I loved watching the lights slowly turn on. The best part of the sunset is always right after the sun dips below the horizon, and the pastel colors appear

I would've loved to see it at sunrise, probably much fewer people, but no way would I have been able to get up then. 

Time spent here: ~1.5 hrs. We didn't go inside the observatory though, only admired the views from the outside.
Things to note: When we went, lots of people were clamoring to get the same coveted photo spots, so please do try and be courteous. I had to wait an absurd amount of time (to be fair, I'm pretty impatient) for this girl to take her 100 selfies from different angles. Although we didn't try it since we weren't dressed for it, there's hiking available too!
Cost: Free.

This trip was full of museums, and I really wanted to get photos in front of Lacma's famous Urban Light exhibit - I did, but unfortunately they didn't turn out very well.

I did really enjoy this museum though - it's huge, and has a very wide variety of art!

No trip to LA is complete without some shopping! We were living quite close to Melrose, so we spent an afternoon there (mainly for the photo ops). I was prepared to take tons of outfit photos, since everyone's probably used to fashion bloggers, but at the last minute, forgot my camera. Oh well.

There are a few affordable shops, but the majority are for window shopping. Some must sees would be Fred Segal, Paul Smith (the pink wall!), Resurrection, and Creatures of Comfort.

For stores in which you can actually afford more than a clothes hanger, I would go to Crossroads and Wasteland. The latter is much more expensive and high end, but both are significantly pricier than the secondhand stores back home. Apparently celebrities go there to clean out their closets!

This is the last post in my SoCal road trip (you can read the other ones here). Summer truly is over, though it's hard to believe I've already been back in school for a month! 

What would you guys recommend to for activities and must dos in LA? What's the best restaurant there? Any affordable boutiques? Let me know in the comments!




Tuesday, September 1, 2015

angelina is, 1.5 (a somewhat relaunch)

As my blog grows and becomes more "professional", I've been thinking a lot about the steps full time or well known bloggers seem to have taken. I've been reading a lot of articles advertising tips and tricks "every blogger has to know", and have taken them with a grain of salt. 

So here's Angelina Is, version 1.5, as well as some easy steps to make your blog even better!

I hesitate to call this 2.0 because that warrants a huge change, and drastic improvement. At this point, I don't have the time, nor resources to really amp up production, but I do want to make my space on the Internet somewhat more personal and professional.

I keep throwing out the word "professional", not because I'm going into blogging with an expectation to make money, or have anything life altering opportunities, but because of lack of a better adjective to describe where I want to go.

You can see a little bit of my brainstorming up above, though that is the sanitized and "prettified" version. My actual thoughts would likely involve quite a bit more swearing and scribbles.

But as you can see, I'm trying to think of some categories I can really commit to, and dedicate numerous posts to. When I started this blog, it was a lifestyle blog, due to the fact that I don't have enough original outfits to be devoted purely to fashion, and don't know anything about makeup to save my life. To this day, I still can't figure out eyeliner.

I was happy with my self categorization of lifestyle blog up until a few weeks ago, when I was reading a post on the Nectar Collective a while ago, that basically said if you narrow your scope, you'll actually receive more numbers (subscribers, readers, commentors, etc.), than if you have a wide range of subjects.

The more I thought about it, the more it makes sense. If I'm interested in fashion, and a certain blog has a little bit of fashion, but also a little bit of vegan food recipes, knitting tips, and plant care, I won't visit it as much.

However, I still have no idea what category I fall into. And so, I made a little graphic organizer of what my readers most likely look like to help me figure things out.

So there we are. After writing it, I realized I basically described myself, so I'm not too sure how helpful it was in my case, but maybe for you, it will be!

When creating this organizer, I thought, "What kind of person would read my blog?", which would lead me to the question, "What sort of posts would this person like to read?"

These are mostly the topics I already enjoy writing about, simply put in a more visual form. If you're a new visitor and are looking for an idea of what you'd be seeing here, this is it!

Of course, if you don't fall into any of these categories, that doesn't mean you're not allowed in this exclusive club of Angelina Is readers (although if a club did exist, it would be full of the coolest and kindest people ever, so you would all be in it). Feel free to read away!

A wise person I know (thanks Ira!) wrote a post about the Pareto principle which claims that 80% of your outcome comes from 20% of your input. Meaning to succeed, your content should be 20%, and promotion should be 80%.

While I'm not too sold on the numbers, I do think I need a bit more promotion. Currently, I'm probably at about 70% content, 30% promotion, with my main form of promotion being commenting on other blogs (I do read everything, because I'd like to respect the work put into every post. Also bloggers can tell!)

With school starting up again, this has been dramatically reduced, and as a result, so have my views and interaction with readers. So I've been thinking I need a better, less time consuming way!

My main thing is that I'm thinking of creating a dedicated blog Instagram. I already have a personal as well as a photography, so I'm still a little hesitant to create a 3rd account I have to manage and build, but it seems like the best way to build readership.

I'm also hoping to do a giveaway when I pull my act together and have enough money in a few months, as well as get some fresh voices on the blog, since I feel as though I've defined my voice.

Domain name is still up in the air - based on preliminary research, it doesn't seem to be too pricey, but it seems so permanent and official. I'm not sure I'm ready to commit to that, but it's such a tempting idea!

With this very long and verbose post, I have a few questions I would be so appreciative of if you could give your thoughts on:

*What type of posts do you guys like/dislike to read? It can be from my blog or in general. 
*What's one thing that completely turns you off a blog/post?
*Do you follow bloggers on Instagram? If so, what makes you want to follow them, and what will make you unfollow?
*What sort of giveaway would you be interested in?
*How much promoting of your blog do you do, and have you found it beneficial?
*Lastly, is anyone interested in doing some guest posts for each other?

Thank you all so much for reading and visiting. It truly means the world to me, and I'm always open to hearing feedback, both positive and critical.



p.s. my social media links have been added in the top menu (the ones I have anyways)!


(edit: some clarification - I'm not going into blogging full time right now, nor do I expect financial gains. this is more my way to consolidate and strengthen my blog with the hope that it'll open doors in the field I'm interested in (fashion), as well as allow me to meet new people)