Monday, August 24, 2015

adios summer 2015

Every year, I make a bucket list of things I want to try and accomplish over the summer. It helps me plan out my time, and keeps me from being bored! This year, I got quite a lot done

1. Bake super cute cookies - I'm terrible at baking, so this was way over my expectations! I had (lots of) help from a friend, and they were amazing for photos, and even better for eating. 
2. Spend 24 hours with someone - There are like 2 people I could spend this long for in one sitting without going crazy - one of them lives in Canada. We got a ton of things done, shot lots of photos, and caught up with each other's lives!
3. Redye my hair - I originally dyed my hair in April, so it was time for a touch up. My hair was much more damaged this round, and I now have two tufts of hair that stick out. It's terrible, and they look like horns. 
4. Take photos with someone who traveled to California - Nora and I met through Instagram - she's originally from Atlanta, so it was really cool to be able to meet her!
5. Go on a picnic - Ok, so this one is mainly for the photos, but I love going out and doing things I used to when I was younger. When you're swamped with schoolwork, picnics aren't really an option, but in the summer, they're my favorite thing to do. 
6. Do a roadtrip to SoCal - 2 weeks, 4 (and a half) posts - 1, 2, 2.5, 3, and 4.
7. Sit by a window and read while it rains - Technically I wasn't sitting by the window. Or reading a book, which is what I originally meant. Buuut, on our last day in LA, it rained for a few hours, and we sat in the lobby of the Line Hotel (they play some really nice music), and I read blogs. So I'm counting it!
8. Do a shoot with someone Internet famous - LA is like the Mesopotamia of YouTubers, so I thought going there would make it a lot easier to shoot with one of them! I didn't get to - I discovered how most of them are rather occupied with other things and won't respond to your DMs after a while, buut I did get to do a shoot with Jennifer from Art In Our Blood! The pictures aren't up on her blog, but you can see some of them here and here. She's such a genuinely kind person, and I loved getting to talk to her. 
9. Start making a dress - I've always wanted to get into designing and making my clothes. A dress, since it allows for more mistakes, seemed like the perfect way to get into it! I worked on this for about 5 hours nonstop, and now it's just been sitting in a corner. This is a terrible habit I have. 

10. Take photos for a couple - Next up: get cute couple pictures taken of me and
11. Make a teapot that works - I have a love-hate relationship with teapots. I love making them in different shapes - the bottom one is the first one I ever made in elementary school, the pumpkin is more recent (inspired by Cinderella's carriage), and the unicorn is from this summer. It technically works, but someone fired it with the lid on, so it's glazed shut...
12. Receive a sponsorship through my blog - I started blogging regularly in April, and I'm really happy about my sponsorship from eShakti. Not because I'm into blogging for free clothes (if that was my goal, I think I'd do those surveys that pay you instead of this), but it was just the first tangible outcome. It was like a reassurance that yes, we see all the hard work you've put into this, and it's paying off!
13. Make $500 from photography - This summer, I ran two week long photography camps, took photos for two summer camps, and a company, and taught on the side! I ended up making over $1,800, which was way more than I expected!
14. Take more Polaroids - A few years ago, I got a polaroid camera for Christmas, but I rarely use it. I made a point to bring it on my SoCal trip, and took tons more!
15. Take blog photos for someone - Blog photos are so so so fun to take. End of story!
16. Sell/trade 80% of the clothes I didn't want - I shop a lot. I also get tired of clothes quickly. Solution? Selling and swapping on Poshmark, Vinted, and with friends! For me, 80% was about 70 items.
17. Take photos with 3 people I don't know very well - Towards the end of the year, I was running out of people to photograph. My photography Instagram was starting to look like a fan page for the few regulars I did shoot with! I reached out to a few people, and am finally out of my photo rut.
18. Participate in a Color Run - A great way to trick myself into being active. Because I will never be one of those people who run for fun. Except maybe in the mall. Mall marathons, I would do those.

A few items I didn't get around to, but will next year (hopefully):
1. Go to an outdoor concert.
2. Volunteer.
3. Go to the zoo.
4. Go to the Boardwalk.
5. Go swimming (yes I went my whole summer without ever going swimming. Not on purpose).

What are some of your summer highlights? Do you like to plan things out beforehand, or just let things happen? What do you hope to do next year?



p.s. I'm also trying to figure out what color to dye my hair next. If you'd like to help out, I would be forever grateful if you guys used this form (yes I made a survey)!

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